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Understands the unique needs of athletes


Understands the unique needs of athletes

If you are active, there’s a good chance you know the frustration a nagging injury can bring. But facing your injury alone can be daunting. How can you be sure you’re pursuing the best course of treatment? Our orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists and sports medicine specialists understand the unique needs of athletes. Our doctors actively served as team physicians for numerous professional, collegiate and high school sports programs.

In addition to treating athletes for acute injuries such as broken bones or torn ligaments, we also provide our sports orientated patients with the education, training assistance and wellness support they need to achieve a safe and healthy athletic practice.

We stress the importance of injury prevention by providing ongoing education and guidance to athletes who have experienced an injury due to sports. Our individualized treatment and rehabilitation programs help athletes return to excellent health.

Strength & Conditioning

Exercise prescription and/or coaching for athletes or teams of any age and ability. Movement Improvement Strength & Conditioning sessions are based on improving your ability in the movements that are required to excel at your chosen sport. Optimal stability, strength, power, agility, speed, running technique, reaction time, co-ordination and overall movement patterning are essential in any sport. These sessions are a comprehensive approach to helping you perform better whilst protecting yourself from injury and understanding how to balance your training load.
What are the athlete’s specific needs?

Carbohydrates are the best fuel source to provide power for your working muscles. Eating enough carbohydrate before, during and after exercise helps to maintain energy levels, delay fatigue during exercise and support a more rapid recovery. With carbohydrate or “carbs” as the main fuel source, you can maintain your activity for a longer period. Carbohydrate foods should make up more than half your total energy intake. If you are involved in heavy daily exercise, your carbohydrate needs will be even higher and you should make sure you eat enough carbohydrate to meet your increased daily requirements.

Proteins are the building blocks of your body’s muscles and tissues. Most athletes need only slightly more protein than non-athletes. You will usually meet your increased requirements through increased food intake. It is unlikely that you’ll need protein supplements. If you are involved in aesthetic (e.g. gymnastics), weight restriction (e.g. light weight rowing) or endurance sports (e.g. marathon running), you may have higher protein requirements. Foods like meats, legumes and dairy products are good sources of protein.

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